18 March, 2011

Fiber on Friday

Removing the copp from a Turkish spindle is different than a regular copped spindle.

I spun up 1/4 oz of fiber.

From here I had a center pull ball.

I used both ends and 2 plied the yarn.

To get it off the spindle...

Turkish spindle-plied

Pulled the shaft from the middle

Turkish spindle

Pulled one side of the whorl out

Turkish spindle

Then the other

Turkish spindle

Then I put it on my swift and skeined it up.

Turkish spindle- skeined up

Turkish spindle

I have also been busy working on my Forever in Blue Jeans sweater.
Well, when Tut will allow me to use his bed.

Tut has claimed this sweater his

I changed the back from 3 repeats to 7 of the lace. I am making a bigger size than what the original pattern was written for and I think that just 3 repeats on my back would look rather off. I am liking how it is knitting up.

Sleeves before body

Thank you to Bethany for the Typo alert.

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