25 April, 2012

HodgePodge Wednesday

Join us on Joyce's Blog
 1. William Shakespeare's birthday is celebrated on April 23rd...when did you last read Shakespeare? What's your favorite Shakespeare play?

A midsummer's nights dream. We used to attend a Renaissance faire in California and Each year we would watch this play, acted out as intended by men, while we ate our lunch.

2. What food(s) would you recommend a foreign visitor try when they visit your home country?

I am not a fan of normal "American" food for people not used to it. A hotdog or hamburger does not say America to me. I like regional food in the area that does it best. The vegetableas and wine of California, the pulled beef in the midwest, the seafood of the east coast. To not try these would be like going to Italy and not trying the pasta.

3. What's a lie you often tell yourself?

One day I will be organized.

4. What's something you're good at that might surprise us? Remember this is a family friendly blog!

Cleaning Silver. I love to polish silver. The summer between my Junior and Senior years of high school I went up to my mom's friends house, she happens to be an antique silver dealer. I polished silver until my fingers turned black, but I still love the gleem of a freshly polished piece.

5. Who is your favorite animal character from a book?

Froggy and his mother. Yep, zip, zoop, zup, zing.

6. April showers bring May flowers...do you have a green thumb?

In the house I tend to, but outside, I leave that to God.

7. Speaking of rainy days...which one of the following activities would you most want to spend time doing on a rainy day-
sort photos and create albums

bake cookies, read a good book, hold an all-day movie marathon, organize closets, cupboards, or bookshelves, try a new recipe, fix something that needs fixing

Out of that list, read a book or the movie marathon. Either way I will be knitting or spinning as well.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Time is short, we steal every moment we can.


Dawn said...

Omg totally made me cry over photo and quote. Hugs

Joyce said...

Sweet picture and the sentiment is so true.

AuburnChick said...

Awww...sweet picture of you two!!!