Here are looms that are being worked with the farms wool.
A drop spinner was giving a demo in front of the polypay shelf.
Lona told us her grandmother made this quilt. It is stuffed with batting made from the farms wool.
This is a sock machine. Very cool knee high sock being made on it.
Now, Out to the Barn:
Here are part of the flock of Polypay sheep before they were vaccinated and sheered.
Here the sheerer was working a sheep. He is actually very gentle and they like the clippers.
Here is the fleece after , Lona is skirting it (removing some VM and icky wool)
Here is the fleece all skirted and ready to go in the packing bag.
This is the farmer tramping down the fleece bags. This stood about 8 feet tall.
And here are the Nakkie sheep, all ready now for the lambing that should happen very soon.
Here is a link to the farms blog about the babies we saw, they have better photos of them. They are the Suffolk sheep the farm has.
We learned that the sheep are sheered prior to lambing because of a couple different reasons.
- Cleaner for the birthing process
- The wool will become brittle under stress and as most of us women know, birthing is stressful.
- It allows the new lambs to get to the teats easier than having to find them through the wool.
I got to see other babies this weekend as well.
Here is Baby Z.
We spent most of Sunday afternoon together.
While she took a small nap, I was able to play with the blue balls I bought at the farm
Then after her mommy came and picked her up, I worked on my FLS to the point where I only have one sleeve to go before sewing in and blocking.
While out and about all weekend, I worked on my Clapotis, it is coming along well.
Edit: Name correction. I am so sorry. Forgive me please.
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