I think I have cabin fever. I have been cooped up in the house for almost two weeks except to go to the doctors on Monday, whoop!
I was planning on doing a bit of "get out of the house running" today and no, jack frost seems to think that again I need to stay home. The roads are yucky. It is all of 12 degrees according to the pop up weather alert I have and I don't see it getting warm enough to make the roads better for me to drive on them. YUCK!
So, I sit in the same four walls I have been sitting in and because of the surgery, I can't do much but plan how this house need to be cleaned.
This is how bad it has gotten:
The Sgt Im'd me last night and asked what I want for our anniversary.
Did I tell him to sign me up for the ThreadBear trip to the Philosopher wool farm? No .
Did I tell him a gift certificate to Knit Picks? No.
Did I even think of Fiber or carder or fun knitting classes? No, no and no!
What did I do?
I told him I wanted an organized house. *bangs head now*
Really, I am not kidding, I want organization.
To him this means throwing out stuff, to me it means putting stuff where it belongs so I can find it when I need it. Yes, I do need to get rid of some things as well, but really, my house is not dirty, it is cluttered because I have no where to organize what I feel I need.
OK, so I don't see that happening any time soon, unless someone wants to volunteer to teach me how to be organized.
So, I told him I want a shredder. I am buried under paperwork.. really boxes of paper work.
Don't believe me... here, let me show you the real dining room:
See this shows that I have about 6 boxes of papers sitting in the middle of my dining room floor that really need to be gone through and shredded. Mostly just shredded, because I don't think we have looked ta them in 3 or more years.
Here is a shot of my dining room table, yeah it has a few bits of mail on it, again, most of it needs to be shredded, but we cannot get to the table to use it for all the boxes in front of it. So, I use the chairs to hang my knitting bags on and we eat in the living room.
Here is my yarn stash, it is not growing except by what I have spun and it is sitting in the corner nicely on top of my freezer and beside it. This won't be moved out of the dining room until one of the kids move out.
The other problem area of the house for clutter, is more paperwork crap in my bedroom. This is what is beside my bed. You can see that I have taken to using it as a night stand, instead of the night stand that is currently residing in my shed that goes with my bedroom set.
I know others can say they have a worse house, but to put these clutter spots in perspective, my house is about 1000 usable sq ft.
I live in a super single manufactured home, 79x16. every square foot of space needs to be clutter free and not wasted.
I think I need a shredder to declutter as most of my clutter is paper and if I shred it, it can go out to be recycled.
Now you know the truth about my house. I am not the worlds best housekeeper, but hey, I can knit!
For him I am trying to get the scarf done and I am diligently working on the NYCO sweater.
I am trying to be good about both of these items that I have not cast on the sweater that is crying for me to make myself.
Diligence Sucks!!
I hear ya! I like organization too . . .I just don't want to be the one that organizes!!
Just remember that even though you are basically house bound, ya got a whole big cyber world out there who is hoping you get better!
arg! Sorry to hear about the cabin fever. Building a snowman sounds like a good idea now, doesn't it? ;) Um. Tell hubby you were delirious when you said that, that the other ideas were what you *really* want. But the meds/pain/cabin fever affected you in such a way that organizing was the first thing that came out! Maybe you can have it all! Hugs, best wishes.
Thank you both :)
Really, I do want a shredder, but I am one of those sick women who go nuts over a new vacuum for Christmas or pots and pans for my birthday. I like praticality...oh and hubby said I could also go on the bus ride if I want *grin*
You said "To him this means throwing out stuff, to me it means putting stuff where it belongs so I can find it when I need it. Yes, I do need to get rid of some things as well, but really, my house is not dirty, it is cluttered because I have no where to organize what I feel I need."
What are you doing inside my head. I could have written this. I did actually spend a little time Friday doing some organizing. I also need more places to store stuff. I moved two boxes of fabric, which I no longer use. (I used to sew a lot) to the basement and used the space gained in a closet to store some knitting and rasemaling stuff. It's not ideal, but it did get those things off my family room table. If you can't free up space by moving something out, then try to purchase or acquire some storage containers. Clear plastic drawers can be nice and there are also lots of other options. And maybe like me you have places to store stuff that is full of stuff you no longer use.
Good luck!!
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